Sunday, May 17, 2009

Open Patella Brace Vs Closed

a student at Cherry nightclub Young Dia de Sant Jordi

The owner of a nightclub in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bis arrested for having drugs and then raping a German student who was in Barcelona for a student exchange. The head of the club invited a shot at the girl and everything started. After the attack, offered him money to not reveal it.

The Police this week arrested the owner of a nightclub on suspicion of sexual assault a young woman in Barcelona, \u200b\u200baccording to Europa Press confirmed the Catalan police.

The incident occurred on May 9 Young Cherry nightclub in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba place for young people aged 16 years near the Plaza Spain. The store owner invited a shot of a young German who was in the Catalan capital on the occasion of a student exchange.

The man took the victim to a booth near the cabin disc jockey, after supplying a substance to overcome their resistance, where he allegedly raped her and then offered him money to not explain the occurred, according to the same chain.

The girl said he tried to resist but was under the influence of drink he had taken and said the man went away and left her locked up until an hour after leaving the room could. At that time, she found her friend lying on the ground and three goalkeepers in the club were interested in both and sacaron del local.

En ese momento, el presunto agresor ofreció dinero a la chica para que no explicara lo sucedido, así como entrada gratis a local siempre que quisiese. Cuando se quedaron solas las chicas, la víctima de este suceso explicó lo ocurrido a su amiga y un portero las acompañó a un bar cercano y les volvió a ofrecer dinero otra vez mas, intentando asi sobornar a las chicas, para que no explicaran nada.

Sin embargo, la chica llamó a la policía y relató lo ocurrido y, posteriormente, pasó un reconocimiento médico. Los Mossos d'Esquadra detuvieron al presunto agresor el lunes y el juez de guardia ordenó su ingreso en prisión.

La chica volvió to be treated at a hospital Monday following an anxiety attack when questioned about what happened and is expected in the coming days to return from Germany to Barcelona to testify before the judge investigating the case, says the same medium .