Turismo Rural-Class 19/08
According to WTO:
"Activities undertaken by persons traveling to and staying in places outside their environment is usual, for a period of time than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other reasons. "
travel motivations:
- business,
- recreation.
- activities outside their usual environment.
- Exit Routine.
Rural Area:
-greenfield land at least for the most part or intended to limit urban growth, used for activities that require a lot of room to grow. These rural populations caractrerisan by low population density, the predominance of primary activities such as mining, agriculture or livestock, and in many cases by deficiencies in basic services.
-What is called "rural" category is actually a spatial / geographic not defined at all economic activities, given that rural agricultural activities may be agricultural or
- The rural population is defined by a process of elimination, that is, as the population that resides in urban areas. However, none of the countries of MERCOSUR, the definition of rural refers to the dominance of agricultural activities
-According to INE after the 2002 census the rural entity is defined as the set of houses concentrated or dispersed with 1000 inhabitants or less, or between 1001 and 2000 inhabitants, with less than 50% of the economically active population engaged in secondary activities and / or tertiary.
- peri-urban Areas: They are within the area of \u200b\u200binfluence of large cities.
- Rural Areas means: those relatively far from cities but in its own economic activity and strong enough so that its existence is not threatened in the short / medium term.
- depressed rural areas: those rural areas than in its peak population has just reached a municipality through its environment today.
Resources offered:
-Low levels of stress, more peace.
- Natural Landscapes (less alteration of man)
- Slight pollution (Clean Air, Less Noise, etc)
- Other Cultures.
space tourism Rural
Given to people with stress and poor living conditions of the booming industrial cities. Formulas are major varieties of rural tourism inplican the insitu resource exploitation offering rural areas.
Among many definitions of rural tourism (Galiano 1991, Gilbertto 1992, White and Benayas 1994):
- "The set of tourism activities taking place in contact with nature, life in the countryside, small rural towns"
- "Rental of rooms or houses in rural areas and activities may be in the middle"
- "Exhibit tourists to the very expression of the daily life of the peasant, do participate in their daily work, teaching value land and its fruits, share their stories, rituals, crafts and music. "
-Paul Echamendi. "Tourism in rural areas" [online] < http://www.libroblancoagricultura.net/libroblanco/jautonomica/navarra/comunicaciones/echamendi.pdf >
- Francisco Calderon Vazquez "Distriro rural tourism, a theoretical model from the supply perspectva "[online] < http://www.eumed.net/tesis/2007/fjcv/Aproximacion% 20to% 20the% 20Concepto% 20Turismo% 20rural.htm >