Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pokemon Leaf Green Gameshark Cpu


During last June took out the competition Wall, Water and Conflict conducted by the National Environmental Youth Network-RED JUAN CENSAT Living Water and with the intent to demonstrate the environmental and water conflicts taking place in the country, and at the same time to generate the mobilization and strengthening of national youth groups around the protection of water against the phenomenon of privatization and commercialization.

This competition had a wide participation of youth groups from around the country and the results are highly satisfactory. It was possible to observe the coming together of different groups and sectors on a wall to shape their perceptions and ideas about the problems, at the same time, young people called on the companies of their municipalities and regions to jointly develop strategies for the protection of water and the commons. It also emphasizes that when making of this important activity is linked families of young people and their teachers at school and university. Also popular sectors, for example, the market place (gallery) actively participated in Manizales.

In Thames, Manizales, Bogotá, Bucaramanga, Florida Blanca, San Vicente de Chucuri, Cali, Pasto, among others, the walls are filled with colored water for the defense.
You can see some photographs on the following link: www.redjuan.blogspot.com

The referendum was also water disseminated through this pedagogical strategy of the wall, and groups involved in the competition have shown their commitment to the signature collection and dissemination of business and, in general, of the initiative.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

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National Day Collection of signatures: Friday, July 13

Next Friday July 13 will be held the National Day to collect signatures for the referendum . It is an excellent opportunity for all persons, institutions, organizations, etc., Which are interested in being part of this initiative, but have not yet been connected, involved in the collection. To get the forms to collect signatures can communicate through of our emails ( agua@censat.org referendoporelagua@yahoogroups.com ) and we will send them the forms. Here it is worth noting that the forms can reproduce (photocopy) on both sides and use the copies without any problem.

Although it has made significant progress in collecting signatures, there is still much to accomplish the first stage of the referendum bill, that is, with the first 200,000 signatures to present to the Registrar, and through which we given the new forms for collection of 1'500 .000 new firms that will assist the Congress Republic, once it delivered the text of constitutional reform is approved by the parliamentary body, to call the popular vote, which will be necessary to gain an approximate amount of 7'000 .000 of votes in favor of water.

As noted, the process is quite complex and the number of signatures to be carried to a successful conclusion is quite broad, however, although this is a very important issue, one should not forget that the collection strategy signatures must be accompanied by a pedagogical and communicative tools that achieve public awareness in Colombia and qualified for the protection of water against any threat of privatization and mecantilización. In this regard, we believe it is necessary to move towards the creation and consolidation of such tools, thereby ensuring that the protection of water takes place in a comprehensive manner, and that the referendum would constitute one of the bastions in the struggle for the water, but not unique.

invite all individuals, organizations, institutions, groups, etc., To join the day of Friday 13 July, we take a moment of our time to communicate with others in our city, county, etc., and through raising awareness of the problems collecting signatures to be of great importance to this initiative.

In Bogotá, some of the items in the collection of signatures which will present the National Committee in Defense of Water and Life are:

National University, Portals and Transmilenio Suba Calle 80, Parque Santander, Piazzetta del Chorro Quevedo, Piazzetta del Rosario, Calle 76 with Caracas, Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango.

In Medellin: City Botero, passage Carabobo, Pilot Library, Botanical Garden, Parque de los Pies Descalzos.

In Cali: Terminal Transport, Chipichape Mall, Cosmocentro Mall, Mall Palmeto, UNICENTRO Mall, Shopping Center PLAZA GARDEN

In Ibague: Chamber of Commerce of Ibague, Tolima Coffee Growers Committee, Multicenter Mall, Edificio Caja Agraria, Dario Plazoleta Echandia.

As of Friday, all the streets in defense of water ...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mexicanas Famoa Follano

A referendum for water (Editorial El Tiempo)

A referendum for water
May 28, 2007. Editor of El Tiempo.

Advances in the country a referendum initiative aimed at enshrining in the Constitution something that seems obvious, but it is far from reality in the country: that access to water should be ensured without discrimination and even free to those unable to pay the minimum amount necessary to preserve his life.

Understanding this proposal is sufficient to note that according to the Ombudsman, 12 million Colombians have no access to drinking water and four million have difficulty obtaining it, even in unsanitary conditions. And what is worse, in 2025 69 percent of the population will suffer shortages of vital fluid, according to the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM).

The referendum was promoted by an alliance of 60 social organizations, unions, indigenous and environmental issues, including the CUT, the National Union of Public Service Users Ecofondo. In the first 20 days of the campaign were collected over 35,000 signatures and is expected to hit soon 136,000 required for the Registrar registers the initiative and to authorize the next step: collecting signatures 1'360 .000 (5 percent of the electorate) necessary for Congress to convene the referendum.

One of the concerns of the promoters is the privatization of water-authorized by law in 1993 - in many municipalities has resulted in significant increases in rates that has meaning without substantial improvements in service. Not to mention the scandals surrounding the concession contracts to private operators, such as Tibitoc, which involved the payment of more than 36,000 million pesos for water consumed by Bogotá, according to the District Comptroller. The proposal be submitted to a referendum seeks to preserve the provision of water and sewage service by public entities.

The initiative received a boost this week international country visit of Professor Pedro Arrojo Agudo, creator of the Foundation of the New Water Culture of the Iberian Peninsula, who will give lectures on the subject in Bogota and Medellin. His presence will help to stimulate debate on a key issue for the XXI century Colombia, on which is a notable absence of clear policies of the Government.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007

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Day workers and the protection of water

On 1 May Workers' Day was marked, among other things, a particular fact and that fills us with expectations about the future of our joint initiative to fight for water in Colombia, in Bogotá, and other cities, people from different sectors and social organizations held the first day of collecting signatures for a constitutional referendum proposal by water. On that day, accounting for consolidated all cities, gathered an estimated 20,000 signatures.

The day, besides being a first big push for the proper development of the initiative, leaving a series of reflections that would like to share in this edition of the blog. But, above all, we congratulate and salute all those who on 1 May, "put the shirt" for the protection of water in Colombia.

First Week of May 1 we infer that although they are joining efforts to raise awareness of issues of privatization and commodification of water in the country, some sectors have not been sensitized to the issue and sometimes not even know him. This becomes a lesson from the day and that helps us to rethink the strategy we developed for the effective linking of our countrymen in this difficult task. Do not forget that the referendum We have undertaken primarily as an educational tool for the mobilization of Colombians around the defense of water as a common good and to the extent that all sectors of the population are involved, the chances of victory and working together are reduced. Either way, it is worth noting that this does not mean that the journey has not been successful.

Second, some of the discussions that we began to acquire more advanced way to interact with people everyday, and warns that bringing them closer to people and post the issue in terms of entitlement (water right fundamental) do not have the same responsiveness when addresses the issue of privatization, for example related to tariffs, or defending our commons.

hope these brief notes contribute to further progress toward our goals and invite them again even participate actively in this blog and give their comments.