Tuesday, May 8, 2007

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Day workers and the protection of water

On 1 May Workers' Day was marked, among other things, a particular fact and that fills us with expectations about the future of our joint initiative to fight for water in Colombia, in Bogotá, and other cities, people from different sectors and social organizations held the first day of collecting signatures for a constitutional referendum proposal by water. On that day, accounting for consolidated all cities, gathered an estimated 20,000 signatures.

The day, besides being a first big push for the proper development of the initiative, leaving a series of reflections that would like to share in this edition of the blog. But, above all, we congratulate and salute all those who on 1 May, "put the shirt" for the protection of water in Colombia.

First Week of May 1 we infer that although they are joining efforts to raise awareness of issues of privatization and commodification of water in the country, some sectors have not been sensitized to the issue and sometimes not even know him. This becomes a lesson from the day and that helps us to rethink the strategy we developed for the effective linking of our countrymen in this difficult task. Do not forget that the referendum We have undertaken primarily as an educational tool for the mobilization of Colombians around the defense of water as a common good and to the extent that all sectors of the population are involved, the chances of victory and working together are reduced. Either way, it is worth noting that this does not mean that the journey has not been successful.

Second, some of the discussions that we began to acquire more advanced way to interact with people everyday, and warns that bringing them closer to people and post the issue in terms of entitlement (water right fundamental) do not have the same responsiveness when addresses the issue of privatization, for example related to tariffs, or defending our commons.

hope these brief notes contribute to further progress toward our goals and invite them again even participate actively in this blog and give their comments.


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