Tuesday, February 26, 2008

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For information on logistical support during the national workshop to be held in Bogota on Sunday 2 and Monday, March 3 should be taken into account:

• The venue for room and workroom is in the direction Carrera 27 No 43 - 14, Barrio La Soledad, Center for Spirituality Francisco de Paula, Carmelite Missionary Sisters, Telephone 2680069
• The Organization ECOFONDO assumes travel costs for delegates from the 30 cities selected to advance to the national tour promoters.
· The cities included in the list with one delegate each, are: Armenia, Barrancabermeja, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Buga, Cartagena, Cúcuta, Florencia, Girardot, Ibague, La Dorada, Magangue, Manizales, Monteria, Neiva, Ocana, Pamplona, Pasto, Pereira, Popayan, Quibdo, Santa Marta, Sincelejo, Sogamoso, Tunja, Villavicencio, and Yopal. Delegates will have 2 Cali, Medellín and Bogotá 3 8.
· The delegates chosen during the recent meetings of regional committees of momentum, will support travel expenses roundtrip land, food (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks) and lodging, two nights arriving Saturday and departing on Monday.
· The delegates must present their original ticket or passenger land transport to make the repayment.
· In cases where the cost of transporting a path is greater than $ 88,000 delegates should submit the one-way ticket plus a bill for the return value, annexing the RUT of the individual. Without presenting the RUT can not be canceled the help of transport.
• In the event venue availability of additional room for 20 people who must cancel at the place the sum of $ 55,000 if they stay eligible for all services.
· The extra delegates are not on the list and not going to stay in the home should pay the sum of $ 22,000 to cover the cost of lunch, 2 snacks, red, and rights of audience.
• It is urgent to confirm the operational secretariat the names of the delegates selected by regional committees to send the list to the Carmelite sisters.

Monday, February 25, 2008

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The referendum in defense of water and life goes on!

Kind regards let us summon the Assembly and convene the National Committee in Defense of Water and Life, meeting to be held in the Auditorium of the University Central in Bogota, based Calle 75 # 15 -91 Piso 6.

During the last National Assembly on 15 and 16 November 2007, was agreed to hold third national meeting which was held on February 29 and Saturday March 1st, from 8:00 am

Promotional Committee, in order to define the entire operational process of the second stage of the referendum, has agreed to propose the following agenda for the Assembly:

1 .- Presentation and discussion of the report of the sponsor, the tasks proposed the National Assembly in November: preamble, communications, and political education.
2 .- Presentation of the organizational structure.
3 .- Report of the tours undertaken by the Committee and discussion of the same promoter.
4 .- Presentation of the strategy and logistics for the collection of signatures.
5 .- Definition of agreements, tasks, responsible for the second stage.
6 .- Adoption of a national statement.

organizations are invited sixty organizations who proposed the referendum on 24 February 2007 plus those linked to the initiative for the November event and also the new ones are made at this meeting.

The active presence of all of you is essential to start with full energy, institutional commitment to optimism and the second stage, which we expect the support of 5000 social organizations to collect 2 million signatures across the nation.
organizations attending, will assume their travel expenses (transportation, meals and lodging).

Friday, February 22, 2008

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was credited a total of 231,081 valid signatures of 248,000 delivered.

The committee has a term of 6 months to deliver to the Registrar an approximate total of 1,400,000 signatures in order to make the call for a referendum.

Bogotá, February 22, 2008. - The National Registry of Civil Status issued by certification which recognizes the promoters of the referendum committee that seeks to amend the Constitution to enshrine access to water as a fundamental human right.

On 11 January a group of citizens appeared before the National Registry of Civil Status a total of 242,977 signatures in order to achieve recognition of the promoters of the referendum committee, composed of nine people. After verifying that the numbers of the cards correspond to the name of the signatories and to include all necessary data from each of them, the Registrar found that the initiative has a total of 231,081 signatures of support, higher than that required by law for the formation of the committee promoter, equivalent to 5 per thousand of the Electoral Roll, and is therefore issued the corresponding certificate of recognition.

promoters committee consists of the following citizens: Rafael Colmenares Faccini, Lilia Tatiana Roa Martha Canyon Esperanza Parra, Roberto Javier Marquez Valderrama, Rodrigo Hernan Acosta Barrios, Humberto Polo Cabrera, Hector Fabio Gañán Well, Jesus Humberto Miranda Carvajalino and Oscar Eduardo Gutierrez Reyes.

Once the promotional committee to register with the Registrar's request for a referendum, this entity has a period of 15 days to submit the forms for a period of six months the committee promoter collect a total of signatures equal to 5% of the electorate (approximately 1,400,000 signatures), to convene the constitutional referendum which includes the addition of two new articles in the Constitution, and the introduction of additional paragraphs Articles 63, 80 and 365.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

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During the month of February, making the Tour in Defense of Water and Life that has as main purpose the establishment of the Territorial Committees - local, municipal, departmental, regional, ethnic communities, among others, and the extent of strategic agreements for the second stage of collecting signatures for a referendum for Water that is underway in Colombia. We invite all interested organizations and individuals to participate in this initiative and continue efforts to defend the water in Colombia.

The tour is conducted in the cities of Manizales, Florence, Ibague, Neiva, Sincelejo, Yopal, Cucuta, Monteria, Medellín, Cali, Bucaramanga, Popayan, Riohacha, Santa Marta, Valledupar, Pereira, Ocaña, Barranquilla, Sogamoso, Cartagena , Bogota and Armenia.

For more information please contact the box: agua@censat.org and coordinagua@ecofondo.org

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

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Here are the purview of constitutional reform agreed by the National Committee in Defense of Water and Life, which was delivered to the National Registry together with the Explanatory Memorandum and 248,000 signatures.


The State shall guarantee the protection of water in all its manifestations as being essential to the life of all species and for the present and future generations. The water is a common and public.



Access to safe water is a fundamental human right. The State has an obligation to provide potable water suficiente a todas las personas, sin discriminación alguna y con equidad de género. Se debe garantizar un mínimo vital gratuito.

Parágrafo nuevo artículo 63.

Todas las aguas, en todas sus formas y estados; los cauces, lechos y playas, son bienes de la nación, de uso público. Se respetará una franja de protección de los cauces de ríos, lagos y humedales. Las aguas que discurren o se encuentren en territorios indígenas o en los territorios colectivos de las comunidades negras son parte integrante de los mismos. Se garantizará además el valor cultural del agua como elemento sagrado en the worldview of the ethnic groups. PART II

new Article 80.

essential ecosystems for the water cycle should enjoy special protection by the State and will be used primarily to ensure the functioning of the cycle, without infringing the rights of traditional communities that inhabit them, ensuring sustainable use patterns, so that the availability of abundant and clean water for all living beings. TITLE XII

new Article 365 Paragraph

The water and sewage service will be provided directly and delegated by the state or by organized communities. State or community institutions that are organized for the benefit not for profit and will ensure citizen participation, social control and transparency in resource management and other aspects of the operation.

organized communities for the provision of these services will be based on self-management to which all members agree on the financial management arrangements for its functioning. These communities will receive support from the state to ensure coverage and provide clean drinking water.

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On January 11 delegates of the National Committee in Defense of Water and Life, delivered to the National Registrar of Civil State, Dr. Carlos Ariel Sánchez Torres and the Director of the Electoral Roll, 248,220 signatures in support of the initiative and Promotion Committee, comprising representatives of several of the most important social organizations in the country. Also delivered the articles concerning the proposed constitutional reform by means of referendum and the preamble (documents visible on this website). Outweigh the signatures of 136,000 minimum required by the Registrar for this stage and let go to the second stage of the referendum drive probably in early March this year as the Registrar employs two months ago to verify the signatures submitted. Has completed a major milestone thanks to the strenuous efforts of individuals and organizations from all regions of the country and the time between now and the start of the second stage will be used to strengthen the organization necessary to advance the collection of 1,400,000 signatures in this second stage

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Walking the tree of life, traveling to Wone

"The earth is the mother because there are the
waters, forests, insects,
ancestral places, the natural springs, sacred burial
.... " Wisdom

November 23, indigenous brothers and sisters, environmentalists, trade unionists, defenders of public services, control members, colleagues came from Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Spain and several regions of Colombia in Leticia set sail for 8 days and sail the Amazon River. With the trip we decided to articulate various struggles over water in the continent, joining efforts to continue promoting the referendum on water in Colombia and support processes in Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador and Argentina, inter alia, seek to raise a constitutional human right to water and stop the privatization of drinking water supplying sources. In this way, we collect and we echo the call of social movements for several months have been asked to be put to popular vote if the management of water should be public.

navigation Amazon has enabled us to understand that indigenous cultures Ticuna Cocama, Yagua, like other ancient cultures are water people, they pass on their knowledge, their stories of origin. We sailed on a ship named Wone, Ticuna word that allows us to pay tribute to all ancient cultures in which the tree Life has a close relationship with water.

With coastal communities in the beautiful village of Macedonia, dance to life, share their traditional foods, their artistic expressions on the river and its conflicts. Of teachers and teachers learned that "the longhouse is the water source, the origin of the world, the universe, air, sun and women." Grandmothers, curacas, traditional healers, youth, children, women and men, we understood that the Amazon is an immense territory of the water. Puerto Nariño

successful management of a public / community building permit water networks and wastewater, ensuring a proper relationship with nature and becomes an alternative to the mercantilist model. There, with the chiefs of the guard Ticoya and residents of the municipality, we join the demand for "housing, education and decent health, that does not harm nature."

with indigenous Brazilians and Colombians, Benjamin Constant Brazil, we made visible the close relationship between water and health. They understood that while living on the banks of the world's largest river, this does not have access to potable water. The pollution caused by dumping of mining and industry oil and urban sprawl and agriculture, has caused epidemics of cholera, hepatitis, dengue, affecting the peoples of the Amazon. These environmental conflicts reflect the profound contradictions of the development model that predates the territories and ways of life of native peoples.

In the forum held in Iquitos, Peru, with the participation of social organizations, unions, peasant women, we conclude that water and sanitation are threatened by privatization and serious pollution metal sources resulting from heavy mining and oil activities.

Although the privatization processes that threaten the rights of peoples, advancing quickly due to the neoliberal policies promoted by multilateral banks, the WTO, FTAs \u200b\u200band the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America, IIRSA also advance the struggle for sovereignty across the continent, and multinational water companies have had to come from many countries.

communities with Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian we are committed to creating and strengthening national committees, regional and local authorities in Defense of Water and Life, with the main objective to promote constitutional reform processes in Latin America and in particular the referendum by water in Colombia, to ensure that water is a public good and fundamental right and protect the ecosystems of the water cycle. So, will join efforts to regain our voices and independently decide our future.

In the town of Leticia, on the 30th day of November, brotherhood around the Defense of Water for Life, agreeing with this statement:

American Surveillance Network in Defense and the Right to Water-RED LIFE.
National Committee in Defense of Water and Life-CNDAV. ECOFONDO
Friends of the Earth Colombia.
National Union of Users. National League
Utility Users
USPD-League National Indigenous Organization of Colombia, ONIC. Members
Control Association, Avoca. SINTRAEMSDES
Subdirectiva Bogotá - Colombia
Corporation SIE - South-Colombia Territory
Confederation of Workers-CUT. Ecological and Cultural Corporation
Penca Aloe. Ojo de Tigre Productions

AITR-P AM-Brazil.
General Confederation of Tribes Ticunas CGTT-Brazil Native Women's Association
Ticunas AMIT - Brazil

Acción Ecológica, Ecuador.
National Commission in defense of Water and Life-Uruguay
New Water Culture Foundation, Spain.
Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life-Bolivia. Federation
drinking water workers FENTAP Peru-Peru. Federation officials
Sanitary Works FFOSE state.

Uruguay Association of Indigenous Councils of the Colombian Amazon ACITAM - Colombia
Corporation for the defense of the Amazon Biodiversity CODEBASE - Colombia
Ticuna Association of Indigenous and Yagua Cocama ATICOYA - Colombia
Zonal Association of Indigenous Authorities of the Colombian Amazon AZCAITA - Colombia
Msc Researcher Fabian Camacho
Guillermo Vera - Councilman-elect Miguel Leticia
Huaniri Tereira-elected Councilwoman Leticia
Juan Carlos Cardona-elected Councilwoman Leticia. Romualdo Gutierrez
Villa - Councilman-elect Abel Antonio Santos Leticia

Alma Rocio Cheiva - Community Leticia Luis Carlos Trujillo

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

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A healthy diet is one that emphasizes vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean sources of protein, including beans, fish, dairy products low in fat and lean meats. These foods improve nutrition and help maintain a healthy weight.
The body requires each day a certain amount of energy to function properly. The major nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) found in foods provided energía.Otros food components are needed in much smaller quantities. These include amino acids esenciales, los ácidos grasos, los minerales y las vitaminas.
Cada componente del alimento tiene una diferente función en la regulación, el crecimiento y la reparación de la células del cuerpo.
Comer bien no tiene porque ser complicado. Comer una variedad de verduras, frutas y cereales es la base de una alimentación saludable.Las frutas, las verduras y los cereales tienen un bajo contenido en calorías y grasa y proporcionan vitaminas y minerales esenciales, fibra y fitoquímicos importantes para la buena salud.
Todos los cereales y los alimentos elaborados con cereales tiene un alto contenido en carbohidratos complejos y proporcionan diversos nutrientes.Los cabohidratos son la principal fuente energy of the body, the primary fuel cells. Carbohydrates are starches (found mainly on bread, rice, pasta, cereals, fruits and vegetables) and sugars (found in fruit, milk and foods made with sugar).
Fiber is the part of plant foods that the body absorbs and helps digest other foods. It is found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grain breads ...
proteins the body needs to build and maintain tissues such as muscles and organs. Proteins are composed of amino acids. Some occur naturally and others must be obtained from foods consumed, are called essential amino acids. A plant-based diet that includes a wide variety of cereals, legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds may meet daily requirements of protein. Beef, fish, seafood, poultry, eggs, soy products and dairy products are the richest sources of protein.
Fat is a natural component of various foods and is present in various forms. It is found in animal foods such as beef, poultry, fish and plant foods like avocados and olives. You need some fat in the diet for the body to function properly. However, too much fat can have a negative effect on health.
According to some authors, we are at the beginning of a new era in the study of human nutrition, which starts with the recognition of the fact that nutrition and optimum health are linked. It is therefore not surprising that in recent decades have witnessed the emergence of numerous studies on the possible role of the various components of the diet in the development of disease.
For this reason, try to make students of 4 º ESO, are able to define exactly a healthy diet.


-Development of a diet. Each student will develop a diet for five days a week (Monday to Friday) distributed over three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Students collect information about the different food components, percentage of daily calories to consume each of them, health effects ... either through resources or subsequently exposed through books or internet search engines (a student's choice).
Once the student has such information in its possession, will begin making the diet, considering that a healthy diet should be Full ( must contain all the food) and balanced (must contain the right amount of each type of food).
should also take special care with the following:

-specific requirements: There are stages of growth or special situations that need to change the quantities consumed of each food group.

- Distribution of food : foods to be consumed throughout the day and distributed in various foods. Of This way you can continuously getting nutrients and energy throughout the day.

foods which has the students are: milk, cheese, cake, chicken, pork, beef, fish (sardines, anchovies, tuna ...), whitefish (whiting, chicken, Cod ...), vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, peppers ...), fruit, custard and rice pudding.
Finally, the student will present their diet the rest of the peers explaining the main nutrients that each food has chosen.


- Food Pyramid
- http://www.aula21.net/Nutriweb/dieta_equilibrada.htm


To pass the test, students should be able to explain to his colleagues the criteria that continued to distribute food in three meals a day, to group foods at each meal and combine them throughout the week.

also be assessed the amount of food consumed each week, the organization of the diet, the quality of it in terms of energy and nutrients as well as the clarity and expression of exposure.

CONCLUSION Whether you eat to live as if you live to eat, there is no doubt that we are all interested in food. Eating is one of the great pleasures of life and an essential element that brings life. Foods that are consumed are the source of energy and nutrients the body, so, eating well and maintaining a healthy weight are essential components of a healthy lifestyle. Thus, this work, we hope that students who are in a period of maturity and development are able to acquire certain skills and criteria enabling them to carry on their daily lives a healthy diet.