Walking the tree of life, traveling to Wone
"The earth is the mother because there are the
waters, forests, insects,
ancestral places, the natural springs, sacred burial
.... " Wisdom
November 23, indigenous brothers and sisters, environmentalists, trade unionists, defenders of public services, control members, colleagues came from Uruguay, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Spain and several regions of Colombia in Leticia set sail for 8 days and sail the Amazon River. With the trip we decided to articulate various struggles over water in the continent, joining efforts to continue promoting the referendum on water in Colombia and support processes in Ecuador, Bolivia, El Salvador and Argentina, inter alia, seek to raise a constitutional human right to water and stop the privatization of drinking water supplying sources. In this way, we collect and we echo the call of social movements for several months have been asked to be put to popular vote if the management of water should be public.
navigation Amazon has enabled us to understand that indigenous cultures Ticuna Cocama, Yagua, like other ancient cultures are water people, they pass on their knowledge, their stories of origin. We sailed on a ship named Wone, Ticuna word that allows us to pay tribute to all ancient cultures in which the tree Life has a close relationship with water.
With coastal communities in the beautiful village of Macedonia, dance to life, share their traditional foods, their artistic expressions on the river and its conflicts. Of teachers and teachers learned that "the longhouse is the water source, the origin of the world, the universe, air, sun and women." Grandmothers, curacas, traditional healers, youth, children, women and men, we understood that the Amazon is an immense territory of the water. Puerto Nariño
successful management of a public / community building permit water networks and wastewater, ensuring a proper relationship with nature and becomes an alternative to the mercantilist model. There, with the chiefs of the guard Ticoya and residents of the municipality, we join the demand for "housing, education and decent health, that does not harm nature."
with indigenous Brazilians and Colombians, Benjamin Constant Brazil, we made visible the close relationship between water and health. They understood that while living on the banks of the world's largest river, this does not have access to potable water. The pollution caused by dumping of mining and industry oil and urban sprawl and agriculture, has caused epidemics of cholera, hepatitis, dengue, affecting the peoples of the Amazon. These environmental conflicts reflect the profound contradictions of the development model that predates the territories and ways of life of native peoples.
In the forum held in Iquitos, Peru, with the participation of social organizations, unions, peasant women, we conclude that water and sanitation are threatened by privatization and serious pollution metal sources resulting from heavy mining and oil activities.
Although the privatization processes that threaten the rights of peoples, advancing quickly due to the neoliberal policies promoted by multilateral banks, the WTO, FTAs \u200b\u200band the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America, IIRSA also advance the struggle for sovereignty across the continent, and multinational water companies have had to come from many countries.
communities with Peruvian, Colombian and Brazilian we are committed to creating and strengthening national committees, regional and local authorities in Defense of Water and Life, with the main objective to promote constitutional reform processes in Latin America and in particular the referendum by water in Colombia, to ensure that water is a public good and fundamental right and protect the ecosystems of the water cycle. So, will join efforts to regain our voices and independently decide our future.
In the town of Leticia, on the 30th day of November, brotherhood around the Defense of Water for Life, agreeing with this statement:
American Surveillance Network in Defense and the Right to Water-RED LIFE.
National Committee in Defense of Water and Life-CNDAV. ECOFONDO
Friends of the Earth Colombia.
National Union of Users. National League
Utility Users
USPD-League National Indigenous Organization of Colombia, ONIC. Members
Control Association, Avoca. SINTRAEMSDES
Subdirectiva Bogotá - Colombia
Corporation SIE - South-Colombia Territory
Confederation of Workers-CUT. Ecological and Cultural Corporation
Penca Aloe. Ojo de Tigre Productions
AITR-P AM-Brazil.
General Confederation of Tribes Ticunas CGTT-Brazil Native Women's Association
Ticunas AMIT - Brazil
Acción Ecológica, Ecuador.
National Commission in defense of Water and Life-Uruguay
New Water Culture Foundation, Spain.
Coordinator in Defense of Water and Life-Bolivia. Federation
drinking water workers FENTAP Peru-Peru. Federation officials
Sanitary Works FFOSE state.
Uruguay Association of Indigenous Councils of the Colombian Amazon ACITAM - Colombia
Corporation for the defense of the Amazon Biodiversity CODEBASE - Colombia
Ticuna Association of Indigenous and Yagua Cocama ATICOYA - Colombia
Zonal Association of Indigenous Authorities of the Colombian Amazon AZCAITA - Colombia
Msc Researcher Fabian Camacho
Guillermo Vera - Councilman-elect Miguel Leticia
Huaniri Tereira-elected Councilwoman Leticia
Juan Carlos Cardona-elected Councilwoman Leticia. Romualdo Gutierrez
Villa - Councilman-elect Abel Antonio Santos Leticia
Alma Rocio Cheiva - Community Leticia Luis Carlos Trujillo
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