Friday, June 13, 2008

Vip222k - External Drive



After a long road of negotiations and knock doors after many setbacks and found dreams , Latin American Network of storytelling and Censat living water reached combine forces for the realization of a dream, joined in an almost epic ecology and beautiful tradition of storytelling, with one goal ... consciousness, love us ... It belongs to us, is clear though intangible reality that shelters us. Our planet is sick.

It was 10 to . M. Friday June 6, year upon us, there were too many things to do, run from here to there and from there to here ... parce camera, a wire pa'colgar the backdrop of video beam huyyyyyyyyy brother's no tape pa'pegar Mrs. posters and signed the referendum by water Juan parce what time is the storytelling that happens ... brother ... .. where the hell is Hector ... those were the phrases heard during the morning, then no power in the park as well Juan fence solve that .. Thank God it solved the sound.

2:30 pm Hector brother send your people out to lunch ... no I'm a vegetarian ... I did a lot Sophie said ... Juanito will noooooooooooo lunch ... I'm so stressed that the food I want to go back made knots and a pressure event was to begin.

3:15 pm on stage "FAT" superb concert by rapper is more important than Chia, hearts throbbed to the sound of your tracks loaded with good energy and Colombian music, young people here and there with some singing lyrics High vehemently that they knew they were not babbling or trying to stick in the chorus ...

4:00 pm "Blacktip" bagpipes and drums, people danced and the music more minstrel who have chained themselves to Colombia people what was coming, cumbias sounded in the central square "run, run Morrocollo .. you take the sloth "and mapale closed with a flourish for the entry of videos that were heating up the cold night ... chia.

6:30 pm, Hectorrrrrrrrrrr plots have not reached those of the ONIC , rewards the winning stories while they take time ... three school girls took the Diversified National awards with stories full of hope and care for our land and above all by water.

7: pm the expected time, the square on the lookout ... and with you Jorge Badillo ... and the town was covered with magic, stories out of the mouth of the young narrator, an urban tale of her own was the opening mouths to enter the stage Fabio Torres con una retahíla bastante trabajada acerca de la palabra agua , con cuentos de reyes y castillos y con sus inconfundibles cuentos cortos y por ultimo jejejejejeje, Juan Pablo Cantor pues es bastante difícil definir lo que hice pero me divertí mucho, un sólo cuento donde le rendí tributo a nuestro río madre “el Magdalena” y a mi abuelo el viejo Simón. Al final llegaron los hermanos de la Onic y cerraron el evento con un ritual de armonización con el agua, que se robó todos los aplausos.

Dos horas de buenos cuentos, la gente salió feliz y con un mensaje en la cabeza: lo nuestro para nosotros, el planeta es de todos y cada uno y el agua es un derecho irrefutable and magic exists through the stories ... we suffer? Yes, quite, but the end is the satisfaction of knowing that as artists and environmentalists we have not a grain but a lump of sand for at least 6 cities Chia and more in South and Central America to launch a voice of protest, but not bellicose and pamphleteers, an artistic voice and awareness, a unison voice that repeats no more our mother is sick, but we can fix. Let us fight for this for our children to know not only water but the countless list of beautiful things we have, and do not have the storytellers to see us in the embarrassing position of having to tell what it was like a river and a forest.

At the end of the day we had the collection of 750 firms that contribute significantly to this process.

Censat With Living Water, and especially Hector Manuel Barajas, Juan Network, to the colleagues and fellow youth group by water, to the beat of the National Committee in Defense of Water and the life, the musicians, the ONIC , Sophie and Mary Jane Rubio, Patricia Castiblanco, Felipe Romero, Jorge Badillo, Fabio Torres storytelling collective members "manufacturers of stories" Chia, a Latin American network of storytelling and each of the coordinators of the member countries Mexico, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Argentina and Colombia, Walter Díaz Advisor of the network and each and every one of the people who contributed to the realization of this beautiful event.

Juan Pablo Rincon Cantor

Colombia Coordinator for Latin American network of storytelling


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