Pope has arrived in Barcelona. The Airbus A-321 of Iberia in the traveling Benedict XVI landed at 21:07 hours at the airport of El Prat, from Santiago de Compostela, the first city he has visited the Pope during his stay in Spain.
a hundred people, following the announcement of the platform waiting for you non Eu, have focused this morning on the Place de Galicia to protest the Pope's visit to Santiago de Compostela for the meaning of this papal visit, by spending means and the reception afforded to Benedict XVI, who has been denunciado ante los tribunales por pederastia y crímenes contra la humanidad.
La concentración ha estado en todo momento fuertemente controlada por la Policía para que no se desplazase por ningún sitio de la ciudad. Los manifestantes han coreado consignas contra el Papa y han portado pancartas con lemas como Vimos a apostatar, As monxiñas tamén durmen xuntiñas, o Galiza laica. Después de disuelta la manifestación, la Policía no ha permitido que ninguno de los participantes tuviera acceso al casco histórico, donde se encuentra la Praza del Obradoiro y la Catedral, centro de la visita papal.
En Barcelona se ha tenido que cortar el trafico en Via Laietana por protestas antipapales.
La Sagrada Familia, is ready
This morning, preparations were completed in the temple of the Sagrada Familia which is closed to the public and only accessible by the Museum Store and the facade. The altar of the Holy Family on which Benedict XVI will officiate at the ceremony to dedicate the Temple sacrificial cult is a rock from Iran of about 7.5 tons and three meters in length.
The same raw material in Iran, who came to Barcelona by sea, has been used to lift the four main pillars on which rest the tallest tower in the future basilica, which measured 170 meters high and will symbolize the figure of Jesus Christ.
The Pope has called for Spain and Euroa in general, less materialistic in one of his many statements during his stay in Barcelona.
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