Thursday, July 17, 2008

2010 Meztelen Kates Playground Videók

Intelligent Agents Regulations and Controls Intelligent Autonomous Agents

can define the concept of "governance" (translation of the English word "governance") as the way a complex system is self-government (self-guided and self-directed ) to a previously defined goal.

The main objective intrinsic (ie, the "attractor" principal) of any system is its own survival, however, there are several sub-objectives. Thus, according to American psychologist Abraham Maslow, in humans there is a hierarchy of objectives that seek to satisfy: physiological, security, belonging, esteem and personal fulfillment.

An autonomous agent has different regulatory mechanisms that allow you to maintain dynamic equilibrium. These mechanisms consist, in turn, by different feedback loops (both negative and positive).

The more complex the agent, have a wider range of modes of regulation and different levels of regulation. All the different regulatory mechanisms is a hierarchy and each level acts as "referee" on the regulatory mechanisms of the lower levels.


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