Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can I Get Herpes From A Razor

An "autonomous intelligent agent" is one that can detect and record whether an action done in a given situation was favorable [Fritz, García Martínez and Marsiglio, 1990, p. 3] [García Martínez, 1997, p. 3]. In this way, you can gain experience and adjust their behavior as you learn.

animals perceive their environment (and its intorno) through its sensory systems, process that information (Assimilating, classifying and interpreting) through the neural circuits of cerebral cortex, and acting-out, thanks to its unit-musculoskeletal and inward-through homeostatic mechanisms. But the overall process is not unidirectional and linear, but circular and cyclical: perception interprets reality through action, body movement [Moriello, 2005, p. 233].

Finally, it should be noted that, although not necessarily, an autonomous intelligent agent "is embodied" (embodiment) has a physical body able to experience their environment directly. Their actions have immediate feedback on their own perceptions [Florian, 2003] [Muñoz Moreno, 2000] [Badano Innocenti, 2000].


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