Friday, July 25, 2008

Canon Mx 680 Mac Latest Driver

To achieve this, Ayanna and her colleagues have two concepts in the field of artificial intelligence: "fuzzy logic" (fuzzy logic, in English) and "neural networks."
Fuzzy logic allows computers to operate not only in terms of black and white - true or false - but also in terms of shades of gray. For example, a traditional computer would take the height of a tree and assigned the category of - "high." But a computer equipped with fuzzy logic would say that the tree has a probability of 78 percent (for example) to be in the category of "high" and 22 percent belong to some other category. The exact distinction between "high" and "low" is now confused.
The power of the computer to define categories based on an approach de probabilidades le permite al computador aprender de sus experiencias, puesto que la asignación de probabilidad puede ser modificada la próxima vez que encuentre un objeto similar. La lógica confusa ya es utilizada en software para programas de computadores en reconocimiento de voz y escritura manual, los cuales aprenden a mejorar su desempeño a través de "entrenamiento."
Arriba: La combinación de lógica confusa y de redes neurales permite que los nuevos robots detecten un obstáculo en un terreno desconocido (izquierda, una secuencia de una imagen siendo procesada), juzgar la seguridad relativa de varias rutas alternas, y establecer una ruta hacia su destino (derecha, un panorama con tres imágenes), todo esto without a human guide them in real time.
Neural networks also have the ability to learn from their experiences. This should not be surprising since the neural network design duplicates the way the brain cells - called neurons - process information


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