The Shootings of May 03, Paco Goya.El descriptive subject in the squad for the Napoleonic occupation en España y la respuesta valiente del pueblo madrileño que su decadente monarquía borbónica, mostraba la faz mas cobarde de la política, la irresponsabilidad.
El asunto tuvo sus repercusiones en América e inculcó la idea de que cuando se produce la deserción del gobernante directo por sus culposas y dolosas omisiones e impericias, la soberanía retroviene al pueblo, impulsándose un movimieno juntista en todo el continente, Montevideo 21 de setiembre de 1808 de la Banda Oriental incluido. Cuando hoy recordamos el Bicentenario de la Revolución Artigas, you can not escape the Goya household. The figure of the murdered white shirt and heads down the murderers and anonymous, is one of the most gripping, tearing and illustrious of universal infamy from flights of art.
Artigas revolution was against the regime of the Bourbons Hispanic, but wine has to be said! also from the spirit of Spain taurine, the glorious tradition of the people ... that were Aragonese Artigas-blooded in the sense cantonal (federal). As noted in its proto overtaking the egalitarian sense of who governs relations and who is governed by the admission of the delegation Pact of sovereignty ... which to recover if there is treachery from that, which has become a despot by deafen their political behavior to that award by the thunderous cry of the majority.
El asunto tuvo sus repercusiones en América e inculcó la idea de que cuando se produce la deserción del gobernante directo por sus culposas y dolosas omisiones e impericias, la soberanía retroviene al pueblo, impulsándose un movimieno juntista en todo el continente, Montevideo 21 de setiembre de 1808 de la Banda Oriental incluido. Cuando hoy recordamos el Bicentenario de la Revolución Artigas, you can not escape the Goya household. The figure of the murdered white shirt and heads down the murderers and anonymous, is one of the most gripping, tearing and illustrious of universal infamy from flights of art.
Artigas revolution was against the regime of the Bourbons Hispanic, but wine has to be said! also from the spirit of Spain taurine, the glorious tradition of the people ... that were Aragonese Artigas-blooded in the sense cantonal (federal). As noted in its proto overtaking the egalitarian sense of who governs relations and who is governed by the admission of the delegation Pact of sovereignty ... which to recover if there is treachery from that, which has become a despot by deafen their political behavior to that award by the thunderous cry of the majority.
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