Sunday, May 1, 2011

What Is Fem Genital Symptoms

1st. May, Labour Day and Workers. Stories

his Brothers:
- "Two primary elements of earth greet us at the party Maya opening day: Water, rain made life in the gift food to the thirsty, the air with winged wind when amorosas.El courier carries only fire and earth in our hearts laborious. Happy day recreáis compatriots who believe and tangible and intangible assets to fulfill the sacred trust! " ->

Happy day, lively and festive, Universal Work!


Angel Juarez
.- Although to be passive (?) Remuneration greetings. Do not I did before because I was working.

Alfredo Saez .- " active and watchful," the friend Angel, as the stereotyped formula in evaluation of the Pilot high schools have just started in 1963 and soon replaced the pro "Basic Cycle" . One of the many exaggerations that occur in four ... nd education from a good idea - have a comprehensive profile about the complex personality of the student- takes it to extremes, disfiguring to conclude vacuous phrase glossaries made without any sense of skills, but mere strategy out of those elusive tiring and lengthy meetings disrupted the entire class funcionamieno, paying the price of hundreds of free hours for teachers, instead of being with students in classrooms in the process of dialogue, Abul conferring the staff room casting a " comics with pretensions of "educational reform." was a time, too, teaching areas ... and so deadly that people were not prepared for that kind of interdisciplinary methodology. Alea boasts est! Angel Juarez

.- I was one of 163 (163 "?) That" opened " the Plan, in the front building also gone missing" Sorocabana. " I can not make a teacher assessment, but I have some very good memories of that time. Especially the relationship with teachers. Fernando Cabezudo, Jaime Pares, Dra.Magdalena Taruselli, Mme Chouchette of Caffera, INAH Mancebo, and others who are lost in memory. There were cool, but! How we respected each other!. Do not you think that "adjusting" the items listed below may be applicable .. and today is no longer natural for social change? Do not know your impression Ada, your wife (with apologies for the trust to you) but I would under which we were classmates.

Alfredo Saez Ada .- Angel reminds you with esteem and when he heard we were talking on the network you smiling and spontaneously leaped "Angel, my dear fellow Liceo Pilot!"
As to what excel, go which is the most val ... IOSO of that Plan, "soul of the educator," the crystal of the students, say Kerchensteiner, Ethos elElogrado teaching, I believe, was full of alteraridades.Lamentablemente underlying empathy and back a number of weaknesses in curriculum design (Teaching), like on this site, denouncing the " ban" virtual of "study at home," evaluations, sick etc.que the Plan. With you to establish conmixtión happy, well-designed Angel ejecutadas.Sabes one thing? I also inaugurated as a teacher to be a juvenile fresura put guacho.Le is positive, but life experience is so negative that it seeks to educate fellow quine .... luckily mine is encompassed that lack the virtuous illustrious (and others) mencionabas.Si colleagues was perhaps more sympathetic to me because they saw me at the Junior National Champion and Swimming baquetbol plantelera that little teacher instructor of History and Social Moral and Democratic Education ... . (Ayyy! knowledge that I left to inform you that after I grew! I feel now, however, almost the same stage fright that actors suffer on certain tables. Of course, after I grew some, but I left without the full record of whether the conmocioante overcame something missing within the meaning of programmatic content tansferencial cognitive profile and ethical drama of every teacher that price.)


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